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How to Add Pool Chemicals To the Pool

Pool chemicals are an absolute necessity if you are a proud swimming pool owner. Chemicals will ensure that your pool is always safe to swim in and that the water is clean. We know it is sometimes a daunting task but once you see crystal-clear water you know that it is worth it. Plus with proper care, you will enjoy swimming in your pool all year long.

Adding chemicals to the pool is not difficult, but it is essential to do it correctly. You don’t have to be a chemistry expert.

Follow these steps and you will get everything right, every time.

What Is The Best Way To Add Chemicals To A Pool?

So what you can do, mix it all together and hope for the best? Well, you can do so but it doesn’t guarantee that you will get the best results. It is not a great strategy for proper pool management in the long run. This might sound like some words of wisdom but ‘’Chemical balance is the key’’. And the proper order of chemicals. That simple. Pool chemicals should always be added to your pool one at a time.

Prevention is the key to having an amazing pool. Always remember to keep a close eye and monitor subtle changes like cloudy water or black algae appearing at the bottom. By doing so you will ensure that you won’t have to take really drastic measures.

Perfecting the process of adding pool chemicals will probably take time but here’s a basic order you need to follow:

  • Test the water prior to adding any chemicals. It is highly recommended to test the pool water one to two times per week.
  • Check if your pump is working properly to ensure that chemicals will be evenly distributed throughout the swimming pool.
  • Address the pH Levels. Then you will know if you need to increase or decrease the pH levels.
  • Address the water alkalinity, make sure you need to increase or decrease the alkalinity to get chemicals in balance.
  • Check on the calcium hardness. You may notice the buildup of calcium around the edges of your pool and it will not look very nice. It can also cause damage to your pool equipment
  • Add stabiliser (Cyanuric Acid). It is important to add this BEFORE you add chlorine. Stabiliser acts as a sunscreen for chlorine, protecting it from UV rays that cause chlorine to dissolve. The stabiliser will create a perfect foundation for chlorine to work more efficiently. Sometimes your chlorine may already have a stabilizer included so read the instructions carefully. Remember that balance is the key to this step as well. Too much stabilizer will block the chlorine from doing its magic and too little and chlorine will dissolve quickly.
  • Add chlorine. Chlorine levels should be between 3-5 PPM ideally
  • Add algaecide after the chlorine levels are stabilized.

Always ensure the chemical distributes itself throughout the pool evenly by running the filter and pump for up to 6 hours.

How To Add Chemicals To A Pool For The First Time?

You have a swimming pool freshly filled with water and you want it to keep it that way? So act fast from day one and ensure the water remains free from algae and at optimal levels.

For newly filled pools, some recommendations remain the same. Never mix chemicals at the same time, read the instructions. Make sure to follow all manufacturers' instructions carefully when adding any type of chemical to the pool.

Use the sanitiser first. It means that liquid chlorine and salt go in first. The next thing in the queue is the stabiliser, especially if it is the summertime and UV rays are more prominent.

Let the pump and filter distribute the sanitiser for a few days. If it is the first time you own a pool and you want to set some proper foundation for the proper pool care, we would recommend testing your water at a pool shop. By doing so, you will be able to get a clear indication of the chemicals you need next. Staff will be able to tell you exactly how much you need for your pool capacity. From our experience, you will most likely need some buffer and also perhaps some acid.

How Many Pool Chemicals to Add?

The number of pool chemicals you'll need to add will vary depending on the size and type of your pool, as well as the current chemical levels. It's important to test your pool water regularly and adjust the chemicals accordingly.

In peak summer periods when your pool is used daily, you will find your chemical requirements will increase. This includes salt, shock and acid or buffer.

Periods of heavy rain will also increase your chemical usage. You may also find that you will require algaecide and phosphate remover as the pool is more likely to go green as debris is washed into the water.

During these peak periods, we recommend increasing the use of your chlorinator/filter. This will ensure that the water remains well-sanitised and safe for use.

Should The Pool Filters Be On When Adding Chemicals?

Turn your pump and filter on after you have dissolved and dispersed your chemicals in the pool. Run your pump between 4-6 hours after adding. This is because the chemicals will be evenly distributed throughout the pool, and the filter will help to remove any undissolved chemicals. It is recommended to test the water again after 8 hours.

If you are using pool floc, follow the instructions on the bottle or bag. This item should not be used with a cartridge filter. After applying the floc, you must vacuum your water to waste so that the dirt does not go through the filter.

Does It Matter What Order You Add Chemicals To The Pool?

It might seem like the order in which you add pool chemicals doesn't matter, but it actually does! The order in which you add chemicals to the pool can affect how well they dissolve and how evenly they distribute throughout the water.

So let’s do a short summary of adding the pool chemicals:

  • Always test the water first. First, you should look at your sanitation to make sure that your pool doesn’t go green or experience a bacteria outbreak.
  • Look at pH levels. If you add acid this will lower both the total alkalinity and pH.
  • Check the total alkalinity last.
  • Add stabilizer and chlorine afterwards.
  • If adding a long-lasting algaecide at the same time as the sanitation.
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