Black Spot Algae Killer 1L

Lochlor Black Spot Algae Killer 1L

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Black Spot Algae Killer 1L

Lochlor Black Spot Algae Killer 1L

$38.24 $37.74

Lochlor Black Spot Algae Killer 1L

$38.24 $37.74

Black Spot Algae Killer is a highly concentrated blend from Lo-Chlor that is ideal for light and heavy infestations of black spot algae in all types of swimming pools.

Black Spot Algae Killer details

  • Size: 1L
  • Use for the treatment of severe, resistant algae strains.
  • Effective over a wide pH range.
  • Compatible with all recognised sanitisers and other pool additives.
  • For severe algae infestations use in conjunction with Lo-Chlor Black Spot 900 Algaecide.

How to use Black Spot Algae Killer

  • Clean pool thoroughly, brush wall, floor and vacuum pool
  • Adjust pH to between 7.0-7.2 and filter as normal.
  • Super Chlorinate Pool
  • Wait 24 hour and pour calculated volume of BLACK SPOT ALGAE KILLER near the algae. Do not add via the pool skimmer.
  • Chlorinate and filter as normal.


1L treats 50,000L of pool water.

Important details

  • Best results at pH between 7.0 and 7.2, at lower pH, the waxy coating surrounding algae cells is greatly softened, allowing easier penetration by chemicals.
  • When added to a pool running with a salt chlorinator the ammonia occasionally reacts with the gases produced in the salt chlorinator cell causing fine bubbles to form on the surface of the pool. These bubbles will dissipate as soon as the chlorinator is switched off and usually only last 5-7 days.
  • Should NOT be used in pools using Ionisers, Aquafresh, or Natures 2.
  • Do not add calcium hypochlorite or any alkaline material for 24 hours before or after adding product.
  • Concurrent use of other copper based pool chemicals is NOT recommended.


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