Dimension One Spas C75 Replacement Cartridge - Fine Quality

Dimension One Spas C75 (Fine) Replacement Cartridge

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Dimension One Spas C75 Replacement Cartridge - Fine Quality

Dimension One Spas C75 (Fine) Replacement Cartridge

$116.71 $101.00

Dimension One Spas C75 (Fine) Replacement Cartridge

$116.71 $101.00

Dimension One Spas C75 (Fine) replacement filter cartridge is engineered using easy to clean and highly durable Reemay materials. Designed to meet or exceed OEM standards, enjoy the same performance as genuine filters, but for less.

Our high quality cartridges are your solution for pristine, crystal clear water.

Dimension One Spas C75 (Fine) Filter Cartridge Generic details:

  • High quality cartridge made with Reemay filter material
  • Won't ravel or fray
  • Spunbond polyester
  • Continuous filament construction to minimize fiber migration and add strength
  • Resistant to chemicals
  • Easy to clean
  • Washable, reusable, and durable
  • More economical

Filter Dimensions: 

  • Height - 267mm
  • Width - 175mm
  • Spigot ID - 50mm
  • Spigot OD - 55mm
  • D-Style / Semi-circle Handle on a flat top with a fine thread on the bottom

Reemay spun-bond polyester media has been used for more than 30 years for pool and spa filtration because of its strength, purity, and quality. Its unique construction holds sharp, even pleats to increase surface area in less space for better filtering. Engineered with continuous filaments so it won't ravel or fray, Reemay is resistant to chemicals, an important characteristic for the treated water in a pool or spa. Easy-to-clean Reemay fabric is durable and strong enough to perform, clean after clean.

Suits Models:

  • Dimension One Spas

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