Lochlor Instant Sunscreen 5L - Stabiliser

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Lochlor Instant Sunscreen 5L - Stabiliser

Lochlor Instant Sunscreen 5L - Stabiliser


Lochlor Instant Sunscreen 5L - Stabiliser


Make your pool chlorine last longer with Lo-Chlor Instant Sunscreen 5L. Adding the LoChlor Stabiliser will slow down the damaging effects of UV on your pool chlorine levels.

Lochlor Instant Sunscreen Stabiliser 5L details:

  • Size: 5L
  • Concentrate liquid formulation
  • Works from the moment it is added
  • Use straight out of the bottle
  • No messy dilutions or pre-dissolving
  • Dissolves instantly
  • Dry Cyanuric acid can take many days to dissolve and start working
    • Protects chlorine from the `harsh rays of the sun
  • Reduces running costs as well as chlorine demand and consumption
  • Works efficiently in any water temperature
  • Improves filtration

What is a pool sunscreen stabiliser?

UV will prematurely break down your pool chlorine. A pool sunscreen stabiliser will shield your chlorine from the effects of UV and sunlight to ensure it remains effective in your swimming pool for longer. UsingLo-Chlor Instant Sunscreen can increase the life of your free chlorine by up to 8 times.

How to use ClearChem Instant Sunscreen 2.5L

  • Application must be into the skimmer
  • NOT directly into the pool water
  • Follow label instructions


  • A 2.5 litre dose will raise the stabiliser level in a 25,000 litre pool by 35ppm.
  • A 5 litre dose will raise the stabiliser level in a 50,000 litre pool by 35ppm.
  • The recommended minimum stabiliser level necessary to stabilise chlorine from sunlight loss is 30ppm.

Do not exceed a concentration of 100g/L Cyanurate.

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